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Megamush is located inside of the Zones teleport at home. The left most portal takes you to Megamush. You can group with up to 5 people, and the health scales to the amount of players in your party, +85% health per additional party member.

Notable drop: Death cap

Combat Level 99
Hitpoints 650
Slayer Level 1
Aggressive Yes
Attack Style Magic
Weakness Range
Attack Ticks 5

Combat stats

Combat stats
650 1 1 60 80 0
Aggressive stats
0 0 0 80 0
Defensive stats
70 70 70 50 40

Combat Guide

Megamush has 3 different attacks, that are all randomized.

Poison attack - Megamush will throw a green mushroom at all the players in the instance, that will apply poison. This can be cleansed by using a Suprantipoison.

Mushroom attack - A red mushroom is thrown at all players in the instance. Praying protect from magic will lower the amount of damage taken.

Summon minions - Megamush will throw some purple mushrooms towards where the players are standing. These purple mushrooms will explode in a 3x3 and do up to 19 typeless damage. Avoid these at all costs.
Tip either shift+right click the purple mushroom and choose 'Tag-all' or go into the 'NPC Indicators' plugin, and write the name 'Mush Minion,' (Case sensetive, and don't forget the comma)

Drop Table

Item Amount Rarity
Big Bones 1-1 1/1
Tan cap 1-1 1/5
Grey cap 1-1 1/6
Gold cap 1-1 1/7
Orange cap 1-1 1/9
Blue cap 1-1 1/11
Purple cap 1-1 1/13
Black cap 1-1 1/27
Heavy prize bag 1-3 1/18
Deluxe prize bag 1-3 1/27
Coins 50k-250k 1/13
Crystal key 1-1 1/55
Death cap 1-1 1/15
Minimush 1-1 1/1025


Location Map
Home area- Zone teleporter